Sunday, December 29, 2013


And just as it so began it ends but a lot had be received and my family and I can't anymore blessed.

2013 was a whirlwind and I am excited I'm ready for 2014. This current and soon to be past year has brought us so much pain as well as joy. We were able to accomplish a lot financially as well as physically and spiritually.  We asked that we continue to be blessed and make this upcoming year better than all the rest. Our family motto for 2014 is "let us show out on them." Get ready, get ready, get ready!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Weekend Recap

As yet another weekend comes to a end I say Cheers to just another wonderful weekend spent with amazing friends and family. Anniversary on Friday. Birthday party and baby shower on Saturday and lunch with the bestie on Sunday. Cheers!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Welcome Back...

Like good ol'e rapper Mase said welcome back. As we near the closing 2013 and chase into 2014 I would like to say thank you God for your many blessings. Thank you for favor. Thank you for life.