Friday, December 10, 2010

being broke

is no joke. I've never been this broke in my life! I don't know whether I am coming or going ... We said that we're saving for a SUV but why when its just us three and and our two cars work fine ... Then we switch and say that its for our cleaning credit jar, then a house, then a vacay ... but the only sure thing I know is that I am broke and I want to buy things. Okay, the things I want aren't the things I need but I want them so bad that there almost a need and now I'm wondering if that counts ... I feel like a kid on punishment and their allowance has been taken away and that is one of the punishment factors ::urgh::

The New Year is atop of us and I need to set a few resolutions ...
(1) to stop spending frivolously..,.
(2) to be the black Martha Stewart, both home and kitchen
(3) to actually see through a few event plannings ... ::urgh::

Now that I am thinking about it, Mister Marley's birthday is less than 8 weeks which means I need to get the ball going on his party planning and maybe that'll be one of my resolutions but before I jump to 2/14, I need to get to 12/25 ... OH NO Christmas is fast approaching and I haven't bought any gifts which means I have to hit the malls with these craze people ... #prayforme

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

here comes the bride

and I am excited to say that my work BFF Adriaen is getting married. I so love her and can't wait for the big day. After ten years she jumping the broom and I am excited to announce that I am planning the bridal shower...

I have so many ideas but something seem to want to stick but one thing for sure, she wants lavender and lavender she will get!


Monday, December 6, 2010

It's my Anniversary

and that Tony!Toni!Tone! song is stuck in my head and it's on repeat. I can not believe that we're made it a full year. For me to say that it wasn't hard would be a complete and utter lie that would cast me straight into the pits of hell so I won't say that but I will say it was a challenge, a challenge that was more than worth seeing us grow and develop together and separately.

So for a treat for our hard work we decided to take a vacay, out of state! With weeks on deciding which state to fly to and months of general preparation we decided on Houston. I've always wanted to go there, the weather is similar to Orlando and it's a CityPass city! So we saved whenever we could, requested days off, watched the weather and packed accordingly and a few days ago we were off! It was both of my men first flight and they were excited me too since it my last was six years ago...

The CityPass allowed us to visit the Space Center Houston, Downtown Aquarium, Houston Museum of Natural Science, Houston Zoo, the Children's Museum of Houston, and the Health Museum for only $78!

Wowzers! It's been a WHILE...

Man, time sure do fly, it's the ending of the year and I'm trying to start this thing off right. I haven't updated in awhile but that's due to the lack of commitment and the stress of life but mostly because I lacked direction when it came to how to run this blog. I wanted it to be so much and ideas were dropping in from every which way and that's not good to an impressionable soul like myself. So this time I pledge to make it different.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

a while

its been just that a while. But, I thought about blogging everday, I just didn't have much motivation and the job became a bit stressful but that montain is over and with great hope and God's love, I'll be on to the next.

On Monday, I received a call that I had been waiting on since my start of school, and on Wednesday I went in for the tests and it was an ease but I can't get too excited because this may not be the opportunity that God has in store for me ... but I am hopeful.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I am so jacking for post. I want an interesting blog, with comments coming from all over because I know how I am when it comes to reading other blogs. I read once and loose interest if the postings aren't catchy. So, I am going on a hiatus until I come up with something that is worthwhile.

Monday, March 22, 2010

it came and went

all within a blink of a eye. But, I did enjoyed it. I got a mani and pedi, went shopping, enjoyed a movie, took the scenic route, and purchased a new bedroom set. Therefore, I would like to conclude that my weekend was quite eventful, just the way I likes!

Friday, March 19, 2010


Its Friday and I couldn't be any happier ... only a few more hours before I can go get my MisterMarley and allow my weekend to begin!

Wish I was taking a road trip!

the boy just won’t eat

he won’t eat at home, at daycare, or anywhere else for that matter. The doctor said he’s underweight but perfect height. I don’t want him to become greedy but I do want him to eat what I place in front of him to eat. It is beginning to irk me …. I’m stressed!
Is this normal!? I’ve heard of kids being picky eaters but my gee gosh.
So to soothe myself, I logged on my favorite parenting website of all times, and browsed for solutions. After about 20 minutes of staring at the cutest birthday cakes, I ran across one article titled “Tiny Diners” and I found exactly what I was dreading.
Mister Marley is a style four eater: the extremely discriminating dinner eater. The article states: “Your toddler acts as if eating is torture [so like him]. He'll push the food around on his high-chair tray, but he seems to have no interest in putting it in his mouth [that sounds about right].
So my evaluation I must first, look at what he does eat; which includes a lot of milk and juice and a lot of snacks, which states that I am ruining his appetite for the healthy foods he needs. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no more than 16 to 24 ounces of milk and four to six ounces of fruit juice a day for a one-year-old. The only other liquid your child should drink is water. By sticking to these nutrition guidelines, you'll ensure that your baby's appetite isn't obliterated before his mealtime even begins. [I guess I found our enemy source].

I am not the enemy, nor will I ever be, so this weekend my goal has changed. New goal, getting Mister Marley to eat!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

a more perfect husband

How could anyone I ask for a more perfect partner than Wolf!

Question: what did he do?

Answer: Without having to ask, whine, moan or groan, he hit Sam’s Club up and renewed our membership and completed the shopping list!

How so ever thankful I am! How so ever lucky I am!

pending weekend

It’s Thursday and the weekend is clouding my mind already! Since I have a job, I live for Friday evenings, Saturdays and Sundays. Shouldn’t everyone love the weekend?

This weekend it’s all about relaxing and enjoying my time off. I plan to wake early Saturday and do something I haven’t done in months! Get a mani and pedi… I’m so in need. My current nails are misshaped and so un-fresh and my toes are worse with chipped yellow polish from a month and a half ago …gross! Since I just received one of the biggest checks in my life, I plan to spurge a bit. The weather is said to be high 70’s, I just can’t wait! I also planned to hit the movies with my Mister man Marley and my niece and nephew and maybe a little shopping. With Saturday planned out, I hope to clean house and make sure all of my house chores are done well in advance cause no one like having to do anything on late Sunday evening.

Grocery shopping including meats
Sam’s Club card renewal
Diapers, wipes, cups, plates, snacks, juice, cereal, garbage bags

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

hump day

Its hump day AND payday and I couldn’t be any happier.

With any high comes a low and my upset factor would be my dress brand new Ann Taylor dress splitting so bad it looked as if I ran it through a shredder … my gosh. I guess Burlington Coat Factory isn’t what everyone makes its out to be since this isn’t my first fashion run in with their clothing. [Cheap isn’t always great. Every deal isn’t a must have …] Now instead of me ingesting my Caribbean inspired lunch, jerk chicken, rice, and peas; I’ll be fighting the lunch rush at Publix to get fabric tape.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

first day of daycare

The first of anything is a challenge and at times very difficult so when the first day of daycare quickly approaches for my Mister Marley, I was nervous. I can honestly say that I was beyond nervous. His father and I began our hunt a month before but all the preparation in the world could actually prepare us for the livings of the first day of care for our first born.

The thought of placing my Mister in the care of complete strangers sent chills down my spine. All of my worries and fears appeared long before I pull along the curb to get him out and on his way and then every horror story about daycare I had ever heard was remembered and began flooding my mind… children crying, screaming, falling out and just plain fainting, made me shudder... But, Mister showed us and didn’t shed a single tear. He made his father and me proud parents! I don't even think he look our way when we left the room. His father and I couldn't have asked for a [more] perfect child.

To others who will have a first day of anything, here are SEVEN tips from someone who has undergone

(1) Be Calm: Kids pick up on the stress parents and caregivers experience. Many parents upset, worried, fearful and stressed about dropping their children off for the first time and during the first few weeks. There is a perfectly normal and natural but it is best to learn to control your emotions so that the child does not feel them as well.

(2) Make drop off time a happy time: Be sure to get in lots of snuggles, kisses, and happy voices before you take them in and leave them. Talk to your child and remind them that when you come back to get them you’ll play with them and snuggle some more.

(3) Call for Information: If you feel the need to call and check on your child, go ahead. But remember that it can be hard on the staff if you do it several times a day. Make sure your daycare is providing you with a daily report, who, what, when, where, and why of what child does during the day; IT HELPS YOU!

(4) Watch your teacher or caregiver with the children: See how the teacher or caregiver reacts when you drop your child off. Are they warm and welcoming? Do you feel or see them comforting babies that are upset? Are they taking the extra time needed for infants? How many people are in the room?

(5) Make pick up time a happy time, but not too happy: Don't over compensate for being gone. Be happy to see your child, talk lovingly to her or him; snuggle and yes, spend that extra time reading a book or playing toys or tummy time in the floor when you get home.

(6) Evaluate your expectations: Are your expectations too high? Remember if you are in a daycare center setting your child will be one of a few getting attention. You cannot expect that your child will receive the majority or all of the attention that they received with you one on one. They can still receive quality care even if they have to wait a few extra minutes to get a bottle. After all, how often do you drop everything to address their needs?

(7) Listen to your intuition: there is nothing like it in the world especially when it comes to our children. If after a couple of weeks or even a few days you don't see improvement, then maybe this is not the right child care arrangement for you. If it is not, you need to find other arrangements both for your child's well being, your job security and your piece of mind to make changes.